don't be afraid to take risks.
lemme get my suggestions in first before my good stuff.
- all or almost all of the shots in the movie had no perspective; they were either top, front, back, or side. working in flash, it's not the easiest thing to animate in perspective, but you gotta have at least some shots in perspective to make it more dynamic.
- i think the next step for you is to really focus on composition in the next episode. for example, in episode 2, an up shot of slash would've made his entrance a lot more dramatic. once again, it's all going back to perspective.
- in your profile, it says that you're 16. but it's never too early to start on a portfolio. start on some of your own ideas/stories. TMNT is awesome but you can't put that in your portfolio.
now to the good stuff...
- the graphics were awesome. the TMNT look like who they're supposed to be. shredder looked cool. i'm looking forward to the slash sequence.
- the voice acting was great. good job.
- the animation for the most part was pretty smooth. the rafael fight sequence was well done.
all in all, this movie is pretty good. just work on making it more dynamic. it feels like you're right on the edge of the diving board. take some risks in your next episode.